Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Google Talk is out now. Just downloaded it. Playing with it now. It's like VOIP and IM combined. I'm swhite 7 6 @ g mail . com with no gaps, no underscores, nothing. Just slam that together and you've got me!
Coldplay's X&Y has been in my stereo lately. I'm digging it thus far.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Audiscrobbler has been reborn as That's a link to my page. It's a cool site, because it charts what you've been listening to on winamp, windows media player, iTunes, whatever. And it shows you who has similar interests in music and stuff like that. A fun site.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Church Marketing Sucks is a site I've been checking out lately. Talks a lot about, well, marketing the church, good and bad. Intersting stuff, covering everything from graphic design and websites to megachurches and being good neighbors.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I picked up The Chronicles of Narnia today, re-reading "The Silver Chair"

Can't wait for the first Narnia movie this Christmas!

Monday, August 01, 2005

This weekend I watched Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow


Finding Neverland

Enjoyed both. Sky Captain was a fun return to the seriels of the past. The stuff that inspired George Lucas to create the worlds of Star Wars and Indiana Jones is the same stuff that inspired Sky Captain. Stuff like Buck Rogers, etc. It was a fun movie, visually. Ok, so the story didn't blow me away, but it was a fun popcorn movie, heavy on style, and that's always fun.

Finding Neverland, on the other hand, was a character-driven drama, and a good one at that. While Johnny Depp was good, I've been very impressed with Kate Winslet. Between Neverland and Eternal Sunshine, she's put out some good stuff lately. Neverland is a slower moving film, once again with some cool filmmaking stuff in it. There are some neat vignettes, that visually just jump right off the screen. It was very well directed, and has a good story and fine acting. Some kids I talked to thought it was a little slow, but I didn't mind it.