Wednesday, August 20, 2008

AT-AT used in Empire Strikes Back

Monday we saw an actual AT-AT used in Empire Strikes Back! And Darth Vader! And dozens more models, costumes, and props from the films at the Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit at the Science Museum of Minnesota.

You can see the whole set of pictures here:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pink and Black

Pink and Black, originally uploaded by echobase_2000.

I liked how this came out. But it wasn't the shot I first went for. First, I posed her for a portrait.

But I wasn't crazy about it. Then I got a shot of her walking, where her face was turned profile. That's the shot you see here. I like the contrast with the pink, considering like everything else is black, even the goth girl with the umbrella. The timing was great. But I wouldn't call it luck. You take thousands of shots, you're bound to get a few where you get the timing right.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Deas Vail

Deas Vail, originally uploaded by echobase_2000.

I was happy to see less of the hardcore, and more melodic rock at Cornerstone this year.

Deas Vail is one of those bands. Thank goodness for bands like this.

Flippin' Out

Flippin' Out, originally uploaded by echobase_2000.

I'm flippin' out, because I'm still uploading photos from Cornerstone.

Well, not really fillpin'; out, but I'm backlogged on the photo uploading.