Friday, January 23, 2009

When Candidates Become Presidents: How Media Coverage Changes

Journalists are pressing our new president, trying to judge how media-friendly Mr. Obama will be.

First link:
News access issues concern those covering Obama

When Pres. Obama re-took the oath of office, TV crews were not allowed in. And the article says major wire services like the AP refused to distribute White House photos of the new president, instead pushing for access for their photographers.

And a couple of links from Politico:
Obama flashes irritation in press room
Media frustration spills into briefing

I'll take Politico to task for the first. Looks like they tried to ambush Pres. Obama at an impromptu stop by the new president. There are times to ask tough questions, but that looked more like someone looking for a gotcha moment. Not classy, Politico.

The second piece shows how reporters are treating an administration that promised transparency and change.

I'm not trying to pass judgment on the new president, but look how members of the press (and White House) are drawing lines. I know the critics said reporters and the Obama campaign were too cozy, but I think those things do tend to change when candidates become presidents. I think reporters will keep a watchful eye, and I think the new administration will be a little more leery of news coverage than they were during the campaign.

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